The CD contains four songs with numbers 0-9 and 0-12 in Spanish at eight second intervals, four songs with numbers 0-9 and 0-12 in Spanish at 5-second intervals, and two songs with numbers 0- 12 in Spanish at two-second intervals. Each "song" includes fun instrumentals with a man saying numbers in Spanish every few seconds. You can hear a sample of the audio at this link.So, you may be asking what on earth is so fabulous about a CD with a man saying random numbers? Well, let me ask you this. Would your students benefit from a few minutes of practice with...?
- writing numbers
- comparing numbers
- adding and subtracting numbers fluently
- decomposing numbers
- determining odd and even
- multiplying and dividing numbers fluently
- identifying and extending number patterns (skip counting, multiples, factors, etc.)
- recognizing place value- mental math
As we aim for biliteracy with our students, we can't neglect NUMERACY and its importance in helping our students be successful problem solvers in both languages. I credit this resource for helping my students to be flexible and fluent with numbers in a way I had never seen in previous years of teaching. It is definitely worth the $10 cost! Check it out! If you already have it, please share what you think and how you use it!
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