Sunday, December 8, 2013

Did you know about...the Spanish Random Number CD?

This review was not compensated or sponsored in any way.  I just love this resource and wanted to share because I think you will too!

My favorite resources for the classroom are the ones that have unlimited potential and that is why I am so excited to share about Creative Mathematics Spanish Random Number CD.  It is a tool for the math classroom that I used practically every day!  

The CD contains four songs with numbers 0-9 and 0-12 in Spanish at eight second intervals, four songs with numbers 0-9 and 0-12 in Spanish at 5-second intervals, and two songs with numbers 0- 12 in Spanish at two-second intervals.  Each "song" includes fun instrumentals with a man saying numbers in Spanish every few seconds.  You can hear a sample of the audio at this link.So, you may be asking what on earth is so fabulous about a CD with a man saying random numbers?  Well, let me ask you this.  Would your students benefit from a few minutes of practice with...?
  • writing numbers
  • comparing numbers
  • adding and subtracting numbers fluently
  • decomposing numbers
  • determining odd and even
  • multiplying and dividing numbers fluently
  • identifying and extending number patterns (skip counting, multiples, factors, etc.)
  • recognizing place value- mental math
I first received the English version of this CD along with a book titled Math Drills to Thrill at a conference with Creative Mathematics guru Kim Sutton over twelve years ago.  She is AMAZING and so much fun! Her book is full of generic blackline masters to work on the skills listed above in a fast and effective way.  You can even differentiate by providing students with different blacklines so they are working on different skills at the same time with the same numbers .  The blacklines are in English but mainly have numbers and math symbols and very little language.  Now that the Spanish CD is available, you could use these whether English or Spanish is your target language of instruction! 

As we aim for biliteracy with our students, we can't neglect NUMERACY and its importance in helping our students be successful problem solvers in both languages.  I credit this resource for helping my students to be flexible and fluent with numbers in a way I had never seen in previous years of teaching.  It is definitely worth the $10 cost!  Check it out!  If you already have it, please share what you think and how you use it!

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